Development of a global system for enhancing traffic safety by interactive education.

Mortelmans, J.F.

The use of multimedia in the process of road safety education is examined. The technique is considered easy for most people to understand and use but a problem exists in finding designers to develop the system. The advantages to different groups of people of using multimedia methods are discussed. The need for the development of a global multimedia project in the field of road safety is suggested. A structure is envisaged which expands the use of CDs and PCs with the addition of Geographical Information Systems and expert systems.

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C 8953 (In: C 8934) /83 / IRRD 889246

In: Marketing traffic safety : proceedings of the VIth world congres of the International Road Safety Organisation PRI, in co-operation with the South African Department of Transport, Cape Town, South Africa, 3-6 October 1994, p. 295-305, 5 ref.

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