Differences between steel and concrete crash barriers in accidents and some remarks concerning a Dutch crash cushion.

Schoon, C.C.
The difference between steel and concrete barriers are presented. The results are based on mathematical simulations with the computer-model VEDYAC (VEhicle DYnamics And Crash dynamics). A comparison with the results of full scale tests is given. In order of the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Public Works, SWOV has developed a crash cushion, the so called RIMOB. Since 1982 several hundred RIMOBS have been installed in the Netherlands; many are involved in an accident. An evaluation study is carried out and the results are presented.

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2 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
Verschenen in
Proceedings International Symposium Road Development and Safety, Luxembourg, June 1989.
Stad congres
Datum congres
June 1989
Gepubliceerd door
Institut National de Recherche Routière INRR, Luxembourg


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