Dissemination to the Road Safety Information System

Deliverable D3.4 of the EU FP6 project SafetyNet
Goldenbeld, Ch.; Amelink, M.

Safety performance indicators (SPIs) can be used to improve our understanding of the causes of accidents, and they can be used to monitor policy interventions. In that sense, they are one of the elements of a safety management system.

SafetyNet Work Package 3 deals with these indicators. On the basis of the ETSC report 'Transport Safety Performance Indicators' (2001), seven domains for SPIs have been defined:

  1. Alcohol and drug-use
  2. Speeds
  3. Protection systems
  4. Daytime running lights
  5. Vehicles (passive safety)
  6. Roads
  7. Trauma management

In Work Package 3, seven tasks are defined that work on each of the respective SPI domains. Their findings are communicated through reports, presentations, conferences and a website.

This deliverable deals with the communication of findings through the European Road Safety Observatory website (http://www.erso.eu). The report contains those web texts, published on the website, that are adapted from the contents of Deliverable 3.1 from SafetyNet WP3, the State-of-the-art report. The web text focuses on the explanation of the concept of SPIs, and gives background details of two SPI areas: alcohol & drugs, and speeds.

In the future new web texts related to the subject of Road Safety Performance Indicators will be added to the ERSO website.

Gepubliceerd door
European Commission, Brussels


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