DisseminationDissemination. Evaluation to Realise a common Approach to Self-explaining European Roads ERASER, Deliverable No. 5. Project initiated by “ERA-NET ROAD – Coordination and Implementation of Road Research in Europe”.

Pumberger, A. & Eichhorn, A.

Deliverable No. 5 provides an overview of all dissemination activities and introduces the dissemination kit that has been compiled. In order to reach all target groups in the most efficient way, a dissemination strategy with focus on the transnational benefit of ERASER was developed. By means of different dissemination actions, the project results were distributed to the costumers (road authorities) at different stages of the project work. Basically, the dissemination strategy is supposed to provide a defined schedule of all planned activities that have to be completed throughout the project (including a methodical description of each action). As defined in the ‘Description of Work’, the dissemination activities are subdivided into active and passive dissemination measures. Active dissemination activities include general seminars and special workshops, where the project objectives and results can be presented in a demonstrative way. Passive dissemination activities include the development of an interactive ERASER website with detailed project information, as well as publications in magazines and journals. In addition, work-package related project factsheets were published in order to report the latest results. The consortium was provided with these factsheets in order to distribute them to their related parties. Additionally, they are available for download on the ERASER website (http://www.kfv.at/eraser). (Author/publisher)

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20122614 ST [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 2012, 26 p., 7 ref.


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