E-scooters are now also becoming an increasingly popular mode of transport in Austria, especially in larger towns and cities. However, the growing use of e-scooters and the fact that the 31st Amendment to the Austrian Road Traffic Act (Straßenverkehrsordnung; in effect since 01.06.2019) equates them in legal terms largely to bicycles both raise new questions from a road safety perspective. International studies on e-scooter accidents or the behaviour of e-scooter riders on the roads are currently rare, especially for the German-speaking regions. Accordingly, and to obtain the basic data required for effective road safety work, the study described in this report analysed the limited material already available and gathered new data on e-scooters and their use by examining corresponding accidents and conducting a detailed survey of both e-scooter riders and non-e-scooter riders. The conduct of e-scooter riders – in particular the speeds they ride at, how they act when turning corners, their use of helmets or lights, and their infrastructure choices – was likewise identified by observing e-scooter riders in real-life traffic situations. Last but not least, brake tests were carried out with different e-scooter models to determine the braking distances for this mode of transport and the effectiveness of their various braking systems. The results of these analyses and data gathering activities were then used to develop road safety tips for e-scooter riders and derive measures to raise road safety for both e-scooter riders and other road users alike. The suggested measures cover a range of areas but focus in particular on awarenessraising (e.g. of the ban on the use of e-scooters on pavements, slow approach speed at junctions), education and training (e.g. inclusion of e-scooters in training programs for the voluntary cycling proficiency test, e-scooter training at traffic-free sites), infrastructure (e.g. adequate visibility distances to prevent blind spot accidents, dedicated parking areas for e-scooters) and legislative measures (e.g. stricter rules regarding brakes, mandatory bells/horns) for e-scooter riders. Spot checks and sanctions (e.g. adherence to the ban on riding on pavements or the permitted approach speed at bicycle crossings) would also have a positive impact on the conduct of this road user group. E-scooter rental providers can make an important contribution to road safety by calculating rental rates based on distance (instead of time) and incentives for parking an e-scooter on designated parking areas. There is also a need to appeal once again to all road users to treat each other with respect and consideration in order to ensure that Austria’s roads remain safe and accident-free for everyone. (Author/publisher)