This report documents the outcomes of research designed to: * examine what role, if any, registration and licensing authorities should undertake to ensure that licence applicants are competent in the use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS; SAE Levels 0-2) and automated driving features (ADF; SAE Level 3); * determine whether there is a need to review the current driver licensing framework to address gaps (perceived or real) in driver competency when operating these systems and features. The study involved a literature review, stakeholder consultations, a training needs analysis and an assessment of key issues specified by Austroads. It concluded that registration and licensing authorities have a potential role to play in the learning and assessment of the use of ADAS/ADF by light and heavy vehicle drivers, but that there is no need to review the current driver licensing framework; however, research and crash data in relation to ADAS/ADF should be monitored to identify if future changes are justified. Options for specific learning and assessment initiatives are proposed. (Author/publisher)