Een ex post multi-kriteria evaluatie van het Schelde-Rijnkanaal.

Kutsch Lojenga, F.J. & Nijkamp, P.

The paper is devoted to a brief discussion and an application of some multi- criteria evaluation methods. The aim is to carry out an ex post evaluation analysis of an actual decision in the field of physical planning. In the paper an analysis is presented concerning the preference structures (or relative priorities) of decision- makers, as they result from decisions taken actually. In addition, attention is paid to compromise solutions between different decision- makers.

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B 12374 (In: B 12355 [electronic version only]) /10/ IRRD 229721

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 1977 : veranderingen in en om vervoersplanologisch onderzoek : verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 17 en 18 februari 1977, p. 519-556, 4 fig., 8 tab.

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