Efficiency in national road system management : introductory report.


The main aim of this particular Cross-Linking Topic is to analyse the performance or economic efficiency of road infrastructure in relation to the needs it must face or fulfil. Although the heading could leave room for doubt, this is a technical subject in the broadest sense of the concept as it covers everything that road technology can do to improve the long-term economic efficiency of roads, or, in a word, their return. The report analyzes pavement design performance (design methods, whole life costing), pavement performance evaluation tools (efficiency indices) and road technical innovations. The report is based on eighteen national reports from Australia, France, Morocco, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Belgium, Hungary, New Zealand, Switzerland, Croatia, Italy, Netherlands, Cuba, Japan and Poland. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118727.

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C 27239 (In: C 27238 CD-ROM) /10 /21 /22 / ITRD E118728

In: Proceedings of XXIst World Road Congress held Kuala Lumpur, 3-9 October 1999, CD-ROM, 88 p.

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