Estimates of effectiveness of safety belts under discussion.

Wegman, F.C.M.

The use of safety belts reduces the change to be injured or killed in an accident. It has been proven in laboratories by impact tests. To determine the effectivety of safety belts in real terms before- and- after comparisons are made with adjustments for other influences. It seems probable that earlier estimates of the effectivity of belts (60%- 80%) have to be adjusted downward. An opponent remark is presented by R.Kühner.


B 30077 (In: B 30069 [electronic version only]) /83 /91 / IRRD 830661

In: A century of automobiles : past, present and future of automotive safety : scientific Meeting of the Research Institutes Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt (Federal Republic of Germany) and SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research (the Netherlands), The Hague, October 7th 1988, p. 84-92


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