European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 325 : new road monitoring equipment and methods : final report of the Action.

European Commission EC, Directorate-General Transport VII

The report of COST Action 325 describes the research carried out to establish the operational requirements for equipment capable of measuring and evaluating the surface distress and load bearing capacity of roads at traffic speeds. Thirteen countries participated in this four-year study which provides a basis for the development of suitable equipment to meet the present and foreseeable needs of road network managers in Europe. The study comprised, first a questionnaire survey of European countries in which present methods of evaluating surface distress and load bearing capacity were assessed and needs were identified. Second a review of the literature on state of the art equipment and of ongoing developments. Finally the information on needs and developments were analysed to define the technical and operational requirements of equipment that would meet the present and foreseeable future needs of road network managers. The report concludes that full automated high-speed equipment for the assessment of surface distress and load bearing capacity could be available for routine use within a period of about eight years. Further, that the use of multi function equipment, capable of measuring both road surface condition and load bearing capacity, would enhance the accuracy of condition assessment, reduce the cost of data collection and improve safety for the personnel involved in monitoring the condition of road networks. (Author/publisher)

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C 19500 [electronic version only] /60 /61 / IRRD 896354

Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities Eur-OP, 1997, 227 p., 56 ref.; Transport Research ; EUR 17547 / Cat. no.: C3-05-97-050-EN-C - ISBN 92-828-0307-4

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