Evaluatie bromfiets-theoriecertificaat : een onderzoek naar de korte-termijneffecten van de invoering van het theoriecertificaat.

Twisk, D.A.M. Bijleveld, F.D. & Gundy, C.M.

Since 1996, moped and low-speed moped riders have been required to possess a theory certificate, in the Netherlands. This evaluation study had focused on the intended and unintended side effects of introducing this measure. An average of 6,500 theory examinations for prospective moped riders are administered every month. As expected, the introduction of the theory certificate has caused a considerable improvement in knowledge of, and insight into, traffic. During the period from June 1996 to June 1997, there has been a general improvement in the percentages of those who have passed the examinations. Examination candidates are primarily young people who are often involved in lower level courses of secondary education. 60% of the candidates arriving at the moped examination are coming for the first time. The candidates with the least education are more likely to have taken theory courses. Candidates who have taken a theory course have a 14% better chance of passing the examination than candidates who have not taken such a course. The outcome of the moped examinations also depends partially on the level of education being followed by the candidate. Riding a moped without a certificate occurs less frequently than had been supposed. The fact that young people are hardly motivated to take a practical course in moped operation is seen as a direct result of introducing the moped certificate. See also IRRD 878826.


C 9843 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 898644

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1998, 94 p., 6 ref.; R-98-5


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