Evaluation of design analysis procedures and acceptance criteria for roadside hardware. Volume V: Hazards of the redirected car.

Ray, M.H. Michie, J.D. Hunter, W.W. & Stutts, J.S.

This research was conducted to identify and investigate aspects of NCHRP Report 230 which require additional technical research. This report deals with five broad areas of concern: (1) the importance and effect of soil conditions on the dynamic performance of barriers, (2) methods for re-evaluating pre-Report 230 test results in light of the current Report 230 criteria, (3) linking the occupant risk factor to "real-world" accident cases, (4) assessing the potential hazards of the redirected vehicle, ant (5) replacement of the 450C-lb test car. This is the fifth of a six-volume report dealing with specific technical topics in NCHRP Report 230. The others in the series are: I Executive Summary (RD-87/096); II The Effect of Soil Strength on Longitudinal Barrier Performance (RD-87/097); III Evaluating Pre-Report 230 Crash Tests (RD-87/098); IV The Importance of the Occupant Risk Criteria (RD-87/099); V Hazards of the Redirected Car (RD-87/100); VI Replacing the 4500-lb Passenger Sedan in Report 230 Tests (RD-37/101).

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880988 ST MF [electronic version only]

McLean, VA, U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Research and Development RD, 1987, XXII + 48 p., ref.; FHWA/RD-87/100

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