The evolution of transportation programs for the disabled in three Pennsylvania cities.

Fix, M.

This paper examines evolving efforts in delivering transportation services to the disabled in three Pennsylvania cities: Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Erie. It may be useful to understand how a set of fiscally pressed, cold weather urban jurisdictions, have grappled with the problem of meeting the transportation needs of the disabled within the dynamic policy environment of the past and present decades. The paper is divided into four sections. The first section chronicles the development of programs in each jurisdiction up to 1981. The second section examines the paratransit efforts in these three cities and the third section provides some observations on the changing character of the three programs. The fourth section offers some concluding comments.

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C 45194 (In: C 45189) /72 / ITRD E846159

In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Handicapped Persons, under the auspices of Florida State University and the Loughborough University of Technology, Orlando, Florida, October 29-31, 1984, 8 p.

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