An experiment using radio-telephones for bus control in Chatham.

Parry, J.D.

An experiment is reported which aimed to quantify service improvements obtained on an urban bus route by supplementing conventional roadside control with the use of radio-telephones (rt). two similar urban routes in the medway towns were studied, rt being used for control on one and the other being used as a reference. On the route with radio control the drivers regularly reported their positions to the controller by rt and occasionally received instructions in the same way, although most changes to the service still occurred at the controller's station. Surveys were made of both routes before and after the introduction of radio aided control and comparisons drawn between them to assess the improvements that were obtained. Improvements in punctuality and passenger waiting times were observed on the route with rt control in spite of the worsening traffic conditions, which caused deteriorations in service observed on the reference route. Estimates are made of costs and benefits based on reduced passenger waiting times and increased patronage. (Author/publisher).


C 39775 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 232905

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1978, 27 p., 11 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 822

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