Gebruik van kennis in besluitvormingsprocessen van provincies : verslag van een experiment.

Bax, C.A. & Jagtman, H.M.

This study investigates how provinces use information in decision-making about the construction of infrastructural road safety measures on provincial 80 km/h roads. The following question was used: How do policymakers and designers in provinces deal with information (especially that about costs and effects of measures) in preparing and deciding on infrastructural road safety measures? The research project, which the present study is part of, uses different methods to ascertain how information about costs and effects is used. Previously a literature study was carried out (Bax, 2006), followed by an interview study among province employees who decide on road safety measures (Bax & Jagtman, 2008). The present study uses an experiment to investigate knowledge utilization.


C 43459 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2009, 57 p., 20 ref.; R-2009-3


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