Handling-characteristics simulations of car-trailer systems.

Anderson, R.J. & Kurtz, E.F.

Two theoretical models are described for simulating the handling characteristics of automobiles towing trailers. These models are similar except that one excludes roll dynamically and has only four degrees of freedom, whereas the other includes roll dynamically and has six degrees of freedom. The study includes a sensitivity analysis to indicate the importance of certain effects included in the models.

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11 + 6 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 16546 (In: B 16536) / 91 /

In: Recreational vehicle dynamics : paper presented at the SAE Congress and Exposition, Detroit, 25-19 February 1980, p. 81-97, fig., graph., 2 tab., ref.; SAE paper No. 800545.

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