Helmen van bromfietsers : veilig en onveilig gebruik.

Huijbers, J.J.W. & Verhoef, P.J.G.

In a literature survey for an accident investigation project, the relatively high number of crash helmets that came off during an accident, was noticed. Therefore it was decided to study this aspect in more detail. A specific literature survey into "coming off" rates and an inventory of the possible causes was made. The results of this survey showed that the coming off rates, reported in literature, ranged from 7% to 36%. It also appeared that accident investigation projects can only detect part of the causes e.g. mechanical failure of the retention system. One of the other causes - improper use of the retention system - could only be inspected when the moped rider had stopped. More than 1100 moped riders were interviewed and their helmets examined. In this report the result of the survey are described.


B 26460 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 811579

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1987, 69 p., fig., tab., 21 ref.; R-87-6


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