Impairment of driving ability by medicines : metaanalysis of epidemiological studies.

Grass, H. & Berghaus, G.

The evaluation of more than 200 epidemiological studies preliminary showed only 13 studies with detailed information for example about the drivers (originator of the hazard) and drug analysis. Serum concentrations were documented just in 3 studies. On the base of this small amount of selected studies the final result can be summarised in the following matter: 1) a valid estimation of the risk for road safety induced by medicines, based on best methods, is hardly possible at present; 2) the exploration of 3.5 - 7 per cent of drivers under the influence of medicines, and the medicinal drug is postulated as the cause for a crash. (Author/publisher)

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C 21672 (In: C 21670 S) /83 / ITRD E206927

In: Proceedings of the conference `Road safety in Europe', Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998, VTI Konferens No. 10A, Part 4, p. 45-60, 29 ref.

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