Injury control : accident prevention and other approaches to reduction of injury. Reprint of a chapter from "Preventive Medicine and Public Health," 10th edition, 1972.

Baker, S.P.

This work is a brief overview of the injury problem, designed to provide a general orientation rather than an exhaustive discussion. After presentation of useful conceptual frameworks, the author discusses the magnitude of the problem, epidemiology, role of public agencies, and choice and evaluation of countermeasures. Emphasis is placed on the results of acute interaction between man and the physical and chemical hazards of his environment, and adverse responses to drugs, as well as injuries to the tissues(such as drowning and carbon monoxide poisoning) that result from interference with normal energy exchanges are considered.

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C 25212 [electronic version only] /80 / IRRD 205222

Washington, D.C., Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS, 1972, 32 p., 104 ref.; DOT HS 012 138 / DOT HS 014 082

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