Interdisciplinary studies from the Scandinavian University.

Moren, J. & Rumar, K.

This is a summary of some results from the Department of Psychology in Uppsala. Which are the main differences between night driving and daylight driving ? The visible distance increases greatly by the use of asymmetrical headlights by both of the meeting cars. On snowy roads a pedestrian is still better seen in clothes with higher reflectance. The reaction time after glare is close to nihilism. As is seen from the horizontal lines the highest safe speed during these conditions is 40 km/h. Saying this we have also said that the present death rate during night driving does not in fact belong to the category "accidents". At least not completely. With the speeds nowadays kept during meetings there must be an accident whenever a pedestrian happens to be in the critical zone. It should be possible to prove this statistically.

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3478 fo

Uppsala, Uppsala University, Department of Psychology, March 1962, 18 p.

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