Lightweight protective helmets (for use in pedal cycling, horse riding and other activities requiring similar protection). Part 1 - basic performance requirements.


This standard specifies the basic performance requirements for impact attenuation, penetration resistance, strength of the retention system and its attachment points, and peripheral vision clearance for lightweight protective helmets intended to mitigate the adverse effects of a blow to the head. Marking requirements are also specified. The object of the standard is to specify the basic head protection required to minimise the risk of injury through shock and penetration of the brain in activities such as pedal cycling, pony or horse riding, or other sporting or recreational activities where a person's head is subject to similar risks. It specifies only those design requirements which are relevant to that head protection. The standard was approved on 23 february 1982. It was first published as as 2063-1977.

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B 25770 /91 / IRRD 255414

North Sydney, NSW, Standards Association of Australia, Standards House, 1982, 8 p., 1 tab.; Australian Standard ; AS 2063, Part 1- 1982

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