Managing driver fatigue in the long-distance road transport industry : interim report of a national research programme.

Feyer, A.-M. & Williamson, A.M.

This paper describes the first stage of a project designed to identify possible strategies to improve the management of fatigue in the long-distance road transport industry in Australia. This stage involved a survey to determine the nature of the pressures on drivers in different sectors of the industry, their impact on fatigue and whether any specific methods for reducing fatigue were being used which could be applied to other groups. The results highlight a number of promising strategies and some that were not working. The second stage will evaluate some of the most successful strategies. Details are given of assessment methods to be used in Stage 2. For the covering abstract see C 45915 (IRRD 876074).

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C 45917 (In: C 45915) /83 / IRRD 876076

In: Fatigue and driving : driver impairment, driver fatigue and driving simulation, edited by L.R. Hartley, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1995, p. 25-32, 13 ref.

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