Mathematical model of an airbag for a three-dimensional occupant simulation.

King, A.I. C.C. Chou & J.A. Mackinder.

A mathematical model simulating the effects of an airbag on occupants kinematics during a vehicular crash has been developed. It is concluded that the mathematical model presented is capable of simulating the performance of an airbag restraint system, involving the essential variables such as airbag size, pressure venting area, and column collapse. The model can be conveniently used for parametric study to aid in the design of airbag restraint systems.

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10 + 8 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 208 fo /91.2

New York, SAE, 1971. 30 cm. 10 blz. tekn. grafn. Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit. Mich. Jan. 10-14 1972 SAE nr. 720036

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