Motor vehicle-related death rates : United States, 1999-2005.


In 2005, 45,520 motor vehicle-related deaths occurred in the United States. A Healthy People 2010 objective calls for reducing the rate of motor vehicle-related deaths to 9.2 per 100,000 population from a baseline of 15.6 in 1998. To assess progress toward this objective and to examine characteristics of motor vehicle-related death rates, CDC analyzed data for the period 1999--2005 and found that death rates varied widely among U.S. regions and states, ranging from 7.9 in Massachusetts to 31.9 in Mississippi. (Author/publisher)

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20090316 ST [electronic version only]

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR, Vol. 58 (2009), No. 7 (27 February), p. 161-165, 10 ref.

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