Motoring and the older driver.


The first objective of this study was to interview a large and statistically robust sample of older drivers and to collect information from them on the following topics: a) the importance of the car for travelling; b) current driving habits; c) problems experienced; d) self assessment of their own driving ability and changes either in this ability or in actual driving habits since the age of 50; d) attitudes towards giving up driving and the possibility of retesting; e) areas where advice is needed or sought and the expected sources of this advice. The second objective was to identify, from the information obtained, areas in which advice and guidance could be developed. This report presents brief details about the methodology used and then summarises the results. It is divided into four main sections: a) the car and its use, which includes data about attitudes towards public transport; b) traffic, which includes data about driving speed, overtaking, road signs, junctions, and night driving; c) the driver; and d) areas for action. Whenever practicable, data are divided into three age groups: 55-64; 65-74; and 75 plus.

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C 45938 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 855828

Basingstoke, Hampshire, Automobile Association AA Foundation for Road Safety Research, 1988, 40 p.

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