Negative or positive? : the effect of emotion and mood on risky driving.

Hu, T.-Y. Xie, X. & Li, J.

This research explored how two states of affect, emotion and mood, would influence driver’s risky driving behaviour through risk perception and risk attitude. An experiment and a survey were adopted to test the two paths. In this model, negative affect played an opposite and more powerful role compared to positive affect. Study 1 was an experimental study with four treatment groups. Participants watched one of four video clips (traffic-related negative, traffic-unrelated negative, positive and neutral) and different emotions were induced. Negative emotion significantly elevated drivers’ risk perception but such perception failed to develop an appropriate attitude for drivers. A more favourable risk attitude resulted in increased reports of speeding. Turning from a "point" effect to a similar "period"effect, a survey was carried out in Study 2 to explore the effect of positive and negative mood instead of emotion. Mood states affected drivers’ risky driving behaviour through risk perception as well as risk attitude, which was in line with the results of Study 1. The "bad is stronger than good" effect and the two paths in the model were discussed. (Author/publisher)


20130003 ST [electronic version only]

Transportation Research Part F - Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 16 (January 2013), p. 29-40, 65 ref.

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