Ontwerpelementen van rotondes met fietsers in en uit de voorrang. In opdracht van C.R.O.W kenniscentrum voor verkeer, vervoer en infrastructuur.

Brouwer, R.F.T. & Brouwer, S.M.J.

A uniform traffic rule was proposed in publication 126 of the CROW (1998) with regard to the right of way of bicyclists at roundabouts. In urban areas bicyclists would have the right of way over traffic approaching and leaving the roundabout and in the rural area bicyclists would not have the right of way. The right of way `rule' could be supported by the design of roundabouts, when certain design elements are used for a roundabout where bicyclists have the right of way whereas other design elements are used for a roundabout where bicyclists do not have the right of way. Roundabouts that have the same design, have the same right of way rule. This idea is also in accordance with the policy of `Sustainable Safety' in which road elements are used to regulated what is and can be expected by road users. In commission of the CROW study group `Rotondes' different design elements of roundabouts have been investigated. (A)

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20010366 ST [electronic version only]

Soesterberg, TNO Technische Menskunde TM, 2001, 44 p., 4 ref.; TNO Rapport ; TM-01-C-009

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