Overly cautious and dangerous: An empirical evidence of the older driver stereotypes.

Joanisse, M. Gagnon, S. & Voloaca, M.

Negative comments regarding the competency of older drivers are frequently heard in the general population. While negative stereotypes of older drivers seem to be present, their existence has yet to be empirically validated. The authors thus investigated the stereotypes pertaining to older drivers in two experiments. In both experiments young adults viewed 12 simulated clips of three categories of driving behaviors (i.e., younger adults' unsafe behaviors, older drivers' unsafe behaviors and appropriate-safe driving behaviors) without knowing the driver's age. They were asked to rate how representative the behaviors were of a typical younger, middle-aged, or older driver. Experiment 1 showed that older drivers' unsafe behaviors were rated as significantly more representative of the typical older driver, while young adults' unsafe behaviors were perceived as significantly more representative of the typical younger driver. In Experiment 2, younger participants viewed the same clips but were only asked to indicate whether the observed behavior was representative or not of the typical older driver. The main findings were replicated. When asked to describe the main features of the typical older drivers, participants qualified them as being overly cautious, uncomfortable behind the wheel, and unsafe and dangerous. The potential implications on driving performance of older drivers and on driving cessation and are discussed. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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TRIS 01368742

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2012 /03. Vol. 45. Pp802-810 (Figs., Tabs., Refs., Apps.)

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