Personality structure, morale and competence factors in driver performance.

Malfetti, J.L.

There is some evidence that the personality of the driver is related to violations and accidents. But comments about morale as a factor in driver performance are sheer speculation. The hypothesis is given that nobody in a position to count in traffic safety convinces drivers that he really cares. Companies must be forced to train, examine and re-examine their drivers by skilled people.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 7956 (In: B 7951) /83.2/ 83.5/

In: Papers presented at the Conference of the Liberty Mutual’s Council on the Automobile and Public Health, Boston, November 20-22, 1963, published by Liberty Mutual’s Council, Boston, 1964, 5 p. ref.

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