Proceedings of Road safety for Central and Eastern Europe : a policy seminar, Budapest, Hungary, October 17-21, 1994.


This conference gives details of plans to improve road safety in central Europe and in former Soviet Union countries. The papers presented include about half by researchers from Western Europe. The advantages of introducing accident prevention strategies in central and Eastern Europe prior to the expected increase in the use and ownership of motor vehicles are outlined, including a projection that if appropriate action is taken, at least 400,000 lives could be saved over the next 15 years. This is the monetary equivalent of 1-2% of gross national product. A summary for decision makers is provided at the end of each module. A list of international organisations active in the field of road safety is given. For abstracts of papers see C 19308 - C 19345 (ITRD E110747-E110787).

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Verschenen in
Proceedings of Road safety for Central and Eastern Europe : a policy seminar
Stad congres
Budapest, Hungary
Datum congres
October 17-21, 1994
C 19307 /10 /81 /85 /91 / ITRD E110746

Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1994, XV + 451 p., 32 ref.

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