Proceedings of Roads and Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 9-11, 1987. Speed, Vehicle Performance, Crashworthiness.

O'Neill, B. Rothengatter, T. Godwin, S. Salusjaervi, M. Nilsson, G. Lund, H. Chich, Y. Wilson, C. Farber, E. Tillback, L.R. Boehm, F. Nordstroem, O. Svensson, G.E. Romeo, D.J. Turbell, T. Carlsson, G. Holmgren, J. Norin, H. Svensson, L. Thorsson, J. & Friedel, B.

The papers presented at the seminar were as follows: speed limit enforcement in the united states. The problem of radar detectors (o'neill,b); the effects of police surveillance strategies and publicity campaigns on speeding behaviour (rothengatter,t); implications of raising the us maximum speed limit to 65 mph (godwin,s); the speed limit experiments on public roads in finland (salusjaervi,m); speed limits and accident consequences and risks (nilsson,g); speed limit in rural areas in denmark 1973-1986 (lund,h); speed limits. Problems and perspectives (chich,y); social, economic and institutional impediments to the harmonization of vehicle safety standards (wilson,c); using computer graphics to compare us and european beam patterns (farber,e); computer controlled suspension (ccs) (tillback,lr); a tire model for all simulated car-driver situations (boehm,f); anti-lock braking system performance. International regulations now and in the future. Some swedish viewpoints (norstroem,o); periodic vehicle inspection in sweden. Experiences and viewpoints (svensson,ge); collisions involving passenger cars with driver side air bags (romeo,dj, svensson,l and thorsson,j); child restraints in europe (turbell,t); the child safety in cars (carlsson,g, holmgren,j and norin,h); side collisions and crashworthiness (friedel,b). This is one of five publications on this conference. For the other four see irrd 817564, 817565, 817566 and 817568.

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C 41286 S /80 / IRRD 817567

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1988, 259 p., ref.; VTI rapport 332A - ISSN 0347-6030

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