Recommendations internationales pour l'éclairage des voies publiques = International recommendations for the lighting of public thoroughfares = Internationale Empfehlungen für die Öffentliche Beleuchtung.

International Commission on Illumination CIE, Technical Committee TC E-3.3.1; Boereboom, A. (chairm.)

The aim of these international recommendations is to lay down the fundamental principles which govern the lighting public thoroughfares and to recommend certain well-established values and techniques. In view of the international nature of present day traffic on certain routes, the principles of these provisions should obviously be co-ordinated between the various countries concerned. The recommendations apply mainly to such routes. The lighting of public places such as parks, pedestrian shopping enclaves, routes of special architectural importance, etc., which require special solutions, is not included in these recommendations. (A)

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Paris, International Commission on Illumination CIE, 1965, 49 p.; CIE-Publication ; No. 12

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