Relatie welzijn en woonwijken en snelverkeer.

Westerterp, G.A. & Dielesen-van Hoorn, I.

An attempt is made by means of theoretical models and empirical data from social psychology to explain the relation between well-being in residential areas and through traffic. The authors feel that in road traffic studies the irrational sides of the interaction between man and his environment and his behaviour with respect to the presence of others, are insufficiently emphasised. The effects of the present traffic system on residential areas and the various attempts to influence traffic behaviour are discussed and finally some means of limiting traffic speed are mentioned.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 7053 fo /21 /82 / IRRD 214034

In: TNO-Project, Vol. 3 (1975), No. 4 (april), p. 142-152, 32 ref.

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