Research and policy: Relationships in the Netherlands.

Kraay, J.H.
Road traffic safety is no longer seen by researchers as an isolated phenomenon, and subjects are studied in relation to other influencing mechanisms; the system approach. Nowadays, advice based on research is more incorporated in policies and plans. Explanations of the structure of new policies and plans in the administration and of new directions in research in the Netherlands is given.

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Verschenen in
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Ways and Means for Improved Safety, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 20- 23, 1989.
Hakkert, A.S.; Katz, A (eds.)
Stad congres
Tel Aviv, Israel
Datum congres
February 20- 23, 1989
Gepubliceerd door
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Transportation Research Institute, Haifa


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