Road safety education in school : good practice guidelines : organisations.


The Good Practice Project was a major three year project organised by the Transport Research Laboratory for the Department of Transport in an attempt to establish road safety education firmly within the curriculum of all schools. The authorities involved in the project were Sheffield and Hertfordshire, and evaluation was by the University of Reading. A variety of methods of including road safety education in the curriculum were tried and tested during the duration of the project, and the subsequent evaluation revealed improvements in the awareness, knowledge and the importance of road safety on the part of both teachers and pupils. Arising out of this project 4 sets of guidelines have been prepared for the Department of Transport and the Department for Education by a working party of educationalists and others with an interest in road safety education. This document suggests how Road Safety Officers and the other agencies promoting road safety education can work together to reinforce each others' influence in schools and deploy their resources most effectively. The other documents are: (i) `In-Service Training' (see C 26211) which outlines how in-service training for Road Safety Officers, police officers, teachers and others can develop awareness of both the breadth of road safety education and the opportunities it provides for supporting the curriculum in schools; (ii) `Primary Schools' (see C 26208) which indicates some of the ways in which primary teachers in the trial areas planned and organised road safety education in the context of the National Curriculum; and (iii) `Secondary Schools' (see C 26209) which indicates some of the ways in which secondary teachers in the trial areas planned and organised road safety education in the context of the National Curriculum. (Author/publisher)

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C 26210 [electronic version only] /83 /

London, Department of Transport, 1995, 20 p., 13 ref.

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