Safety aspects of urban infrastructure; From traffic humps to integrated urban planning.

Kraay, J.H.; Dijkstra, A.
As is already known, many traffic and transport problems over the last 20 years have for a large part been caused by a strong increase in the ownership and use of motor cars. The core of this problem lies with the large amount of space taken up by motorised traffic, the danger to traffic safety particularly for pedestrians, cyclists and moped riders, the experience of traffic safety and damage to the environment. These problems are most urgent in urban areas. In this paper an overview is given of infrastructural measures in the Netherlands over the last 15 years. Their feasibility and their consequences for traffic safety are stated. In addition to the clearly positive results which can be achieved by using diverse measures in residential areas, reference is made to the fact that around 80% of accidents take place on the main traffic arteries in cities and that this is an area in which more progress can be made. Reducing the number of traffic accidents is one single aspect of improving traffic amenities. Environmental aspects are also influenced positively through effects such as less exhaust fumes and less noise and vibrations. Above all, the opinions about the traffic environment improve. An area-geared approach to traffic safety has more chance of succeeding than taking incidental measures. It is also becoming increasingly apparent that an integrated municipal approach to traffic safety, by a concentration of forces at various municipal levels, for example, is more effective. Local civic organisations should also participate in this concentration.

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Verschenen in
Traffic and environmental management in cities / Verkehrsberühiging in Städten (Papers, Abstracts, Kurzfassungen), Prague, 23-24 May, 1989.
Stad congres
Datum congres
23-24 May, 1989
Gepubliceerd door
Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society, Prague


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