Safety design and operational practices for streets and highways.

Rowan, N.J. Woods, D.L. Stover, V.G. Anderson, D.A. Dozier, J.H. & Johnson, J.H. (eds.)

A manual is provided for students in a 4-1/2 day training course on the safe design and operation of streets and highways. Practical, state-of-the-art information is presented which emphasizes the effective integration of safety as a principal criterion in planning, designing, and operating roadways; the identification of hazardous conditions or situations; and the selection and application of countermeasures. Six topic areas include definition of the highway safety problem, safety improvement programs, geometric design, traffic operations and planning, traffic barriers, and legal responsibility of public officials for highway safety. Objectives, discussion, and references comprise each topic session. An instructor's guide is a companion document.

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Washington, D.C., Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1980, 305 p., ref.; Technology Sparing Report 80-228 / DOT HS 029 097

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