Seamless public transport for all : proceedings of a joint International Transport Forum/Korea Transport Institute Seminar held in Paris, 6 March 2012.


‘Seamlessness’ is a virtue for public transport. It requires integration between routes, schedules, and fares across the different modes providing passenger services. This is never easy as it requires cooperative institutional arrangements, integrated network design and the negotiation of cost and revenue sharing agreements. This report examines policies to make public transport more seamless on the basis of examples of best practice from Europe and Korea. The Joint International Transport Forum (ITF) / Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) Seminar on Seamless Public Transport took place in the OECD Conference Centre, in Paris on 6 March 2012. The theme of the Joint Seminar, Seamless Public Transport for All, was decided in order to contribute to the theme of the 2012 ITF Summit, Seamless Transport. The Joint Seminar consisted of three sessions as: Session 1: Seamless publictransport strategy for national perspectives; Session 2: Better network design for seamless public transport operation ; and Session 3: New technology to facilitate seamless transport operation. Two presentations were made in each session, one from Korea and the other from Europe, together with panel discussions. The presentation slides are available on the ITF website ( (Author/publisher)

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20130493 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD / International Transport Forum ITF, 2013, 104 p., 34 ref.; Discussion Paper No. 2012-16

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