Selected Studies in Transportation Law (SSTL) – Volume 3: Environmental law and transportation. 2010 Supplement


This CD-ROM contains Volume 3: 2010 Supplement of the eight-volume collection contained in the "Selected Studies in Transportation Law" (SSTL), published jointly by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP). Volume 3: 2010 Supplement of the SSTL addresses environmental laws and regulations of interest and importance to transportation agency personnel and their advisors. The analysis is intended for the transportation professional who may not be an expert in environmental laws and regulations. It includes discussion of critical statutory schemes, executive orders, and agency regulations falling within the rubric of "environmental law." The subject is addressed from the viewpoint of the transportation agency and is intended to be a reference source for addressing the environmental regulatory issues and problems particular to planning, site acquisition, construction, and operation of highways and other transportation improvements. The volume is organized into six substantive sections that follow the introduction. Sections 1 through 5 each focus on a different stage of a transportation project, beginning with planning (Section 1) and continuing with environmental analysis and design (Sections 2 and 3), land acquisition (Section 4), and project construction and operation (Section 5). As a result, certain environmental requirements are addressed, and sometimes reiterated, in more than one section. Section 6 addresses the subject of environmental litigation as it is likely to be encountered by a transportation agency. This section also discusses the topic of alternative dispute resolution. The 2010 Supplement includes changes and developments in this subject since the revised Volume 3 was published in 2003. (Author/publisher)

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Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB / National Academy Press, 2010, CD-ROM; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP / Transit Cooperative Research Program TCRP CD-ROM; Selected Studies in Transportation Law SSTL; Vol. 3 ; CRP-CD-20

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