Static and dynamic offtracking of articulated vehicles.

Bernard, J.E. & Vanderploeg, M.

The subject of offtracking has been considered as a low speed phenomenon, amenable to analysis via small mechanical models or straightforward calculations. This paper views offtracking from a high speed as well as a low speed vantage point. A mathematical model with one degree of freedom is used to show that there is a speed, well within the routine driving range, and independent of radius, at which there will be no offtracking in a steady turn.

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B 16537 (In: B 16536) / 91 /

In: Recreational vehicle dynamics : paper presented at the SAE Congress and Exposition, Detroit, 25-19 February 1980, p. 1-8, 5 graph., 3 tab., 5 ref.; SAE paper No. 800151

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