A three-dimensional approach to highway alignment design. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, Washington, D.C., January 1968.

Geissler, E.H.

The growing concern with the natural appearance of our roads makes it desirable, if not necessary, to adopt a design method in which both function and form are equally considered. Some methods whereby the electronic computer is used to produce various types of spatial motion pictures for the evaluation of scenic routes within the location corridor and roadway movies for the final test of the internal and external alignment.

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B 5729 (In: B 5726 S) /82.1/83.2/ IRRD 40845

In: Geometric design : photogrammetry and aerial surveys, Highway Research Record HRR No. 232, 1968, p. 16-28, 16 fig., 9 ref. Research Board, Washington, January 1968.

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