Towards design criteria for highway aesthetics. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, Washington, D.C., January 1968.

Pearson, P.M. & McLaughlin, W.A.

An attempt to establish a framework of investigations into design criteria which will not only include the traditional criteria but measurable aesthetic considerations from the driver's point of view is made. The driving task is developed as a system. Inputs are perceived by the driver, a judgement is made and outputs are produced. A discussion is added. (See also A 3933 fo)

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B 5728 (In: B 5726 S) /82.1/83.2/ IRRD 40862

In: Geometric design : photogrammetry and aerial surveys, Highway Research Record HRR No. 232, 1968, p. 9-15, 2 fig., 1 graph., 2 tab., 5 ref.

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