Town planning and traffic noise.

Hewling, M.

During this symposium the discussion has been concentrated on the detailed technical aspects of noise produced by traffic and the methods by which it can be restricted. The article describes the point of view of the town planners who have to evaluate the problem of traffic and its noise thereby assessing their implications. There are three main factors which can be classified as follows. Firstly, the traffic density, the peak periods, and the related noise intensity which has to be taken into account. Secondly, the level of noise threshold; and finally, the range of noise intensity which can be expected within a given building and its environment, and the necessary steps which should be taken in order to reduce the noise intensity within the building itself.

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B 573 fo /93 /10

Uit: Applied Acoustics, 2 (1969) nr. 4, October, 30 cm., p. 247-257, 4 fig. Presented at the British Acoustical Society Conference on Urban Traffic Noise and its Implications, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 27-28 March, 1969.

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