Traffic conflict analysis : a road safety research technique.

Oppe, S.

Based on research results, it is ascertained to what extent traffic conflict analysis can be applied as a method of traffic safety research. It appears from the literature that there is no substantial relation between conflicts and accidents. Traffic volumes probably play an important role with regard to this relation. Better results are gained if only serious conflicts are considered. However, research in this field has been made only on a limited scale. In this connection the problem of reliability and validity of the measurements is of importance. It is concluded that a great deal of evaluating research still has to be done before conflict analysis can be applied on a large scale. In specific cases, particularly those in which only very few accidents have been recorded or no accident history is available the application of the technique may be useful. A strategy is proposed to decide between both techniques. It is suggested that traffic encounters instead of traffic volumes should be used to measure exposure and that the results of conflicts should be used in combination with other data such as those derived from observations of road-users' behaviour.


B 12593 [electronic version only] /71 /81 / IRRD 231127

Voorburg, Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV, 1977, 23 p., 28 ref.; R-77-9


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