Transportation and traffic theory : proceedings of the sixth international symposium on transportation and traffic theory, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 26-28 August 1974.

Buckley, D.J. (ed.)

The papers presented at this symposium deal with theoretical aspects of a variety of transport modes, car, bus, train, plane, and ship. Traffic and travel distribution, flow, control, model choice and planning are investigated with a variety of economic, sociological, mathematical and statistical tools. For abstracts of papers presented at the symposium, see C 42527 - C 42557 (IRRD abstract nos. 211348, 213175, and 224454 to 224485).

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B 7417 /71 /72 /73 / IRRD 224453

Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1974, 816 p., ref. - ISBN 444-19532-7

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