Veiligheidseisen voor fietsen. In opdracht van de Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, Leidschendam.

Kostense, J.

In the context of the Bicycle Masterplan, minimal safety requirements for bicycles have been formulated. An inventory has also been made of the legal demands and standards regarding this subject from surrounding countries. Contrary to other countries involved in the study, functional requirements are not made in The Netherlands, except for the lighting. Therefore, it is necessary to alter this situation. A number of countries such as Europe, USA and Japan has sharpened their standards considerably over the last years or has been busy with this.

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C 257 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 847986

Delft, Instituut voor Wegtransportmiddelen IW TNO WT, 1992, 36 + 29 p., 71 ref.; SWOV project 8 B2 (974116094); TNO-rapport ; 92.OR.VD.015.1/JK


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