Verkeersongevallen en de beperking van schade.

Walbeehm, T.B.

The application of automotive engineering to the reduction of material damage is emphasized. The information is taken from haddon's contribution to the 10th ota/piarc study week in rotterdam, september 1970. Results of extensive research have shown that material damage can better be limited by the adequate application of automotive engineering than by any other means. The effect on accidents of the application of a shock absorbing steering device and of a double laminated windshield is shown.

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2 + 16 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B262 fo /84 /91 / IRRD 206054

Verkeerstechniek,Vol. 23 (1972), No. 1 (januari), p. 28-31, 7 ref.

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