Weight gains.


This paper reviews the developments being made in weigh-in-motion technology and its increasing use around the world. A trend is seen towards integration with other systems with the emphasis on data gathering, infrastructure protection and environmental impact in the developed world and on toll and fine collection in the developing world. New communications technology has been of particular importance. A number of applications are described including Voser's VIPER system, which uses GPS to synchronise a fully integrated WIM/ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) system for real-time selection of overweight vehicles, TDC's mobile enforcement WIM systems for intercepting overweight vehicles and IRD's Virtual Weigh Stations, a flexible system for bridge protection and for checking vehicles that bypass fixed weigh stations. Several systems link roadside information on noise, wind, temperature, vibrations and emissions with vehicle WIM data andsend it to a central database. The use of High- and Low- and a new Medium-Speed WIM for tolling in developing countries is outlined. The Freeweigh system is noted which is portable and can be applied to a wide range of countries.

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I E145132 /10 /73 / ITRD E145132

ITS International. 2009 /11/12. Pp38-40

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