What if petrol increased to $10 per litre in Melbourne? : implications for travel behaviour and public transport demand: technical note.

Hensher, D.A. & Stanley, J.K.

Petrol prices have been increasing and decreasing at a formidable rate. Despite the volatility, some forecasters suggest a price as high as AU$8/litre in 2020 is possible. Some predict high prices following the global financial crisis will encourage earlier investment in public transport, more fuel efficient cars as well as lower polluting vehicles. This note uses TRESIS to assess the influence of higher fuel prices on short run and long run passenger travel activity in Melbourne. We evaluate petrol prices in the range AU$2-10 over the period 2009-2017, to establish likely impacts on car use. modal share, greenhouse gas emissions, and public transport revenue. (a).

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I E218306 /10 /72 / ITRD E218306

Road and Transport Research. 2009 /09. 18(3) Pp61-8 (4 Refs.)

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