Why do we need an extensive evaluation study of the daytime running lights DRL-regulation in the Netherlands?

VTI Rapport 366A
Lindeijer, J.E.
Daytime running lights will be introduced in the Netherlands in November 1990. Regulations will require drivers to switch on low beam headlights during the day. In traditional physiological research, visual perception is conceived as a passive static process. according to this, increase in conspicuity due to DRL will be about 8%. According to cognitive psychology, visual perception is conceived as an active dynamic process. Use of DRL in Holland will depend on public acceptance. Motivation will be important. since countries around Holland do not have DRL rule, accident statistics from these can be used as control. This paper comments on a paper by G. Helmers.

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12 + 8 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
Verschenen in
Proceedings Third European Workshop on Recent Developments in Road Safety Research, Linköping, Sweden, April 26-27, 1990.
Rumar, K. (ed.)
Stad congres
Linköping, Sweden
Datum congres
April 26-27, 1990.
Gepubliceerd door
Swedish Road and Traffic Research Institute, Linköping


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